Accounting Services
- Financial statement preparation for sole traders, partnerships, trusts, companies and not for profit entities
- Preparation of accounting files for audit for not for profit entities
Income Tax Preparation
- GST preparation and lodgement
- Income tax preparation for individual taxpayers, sole traders, Partnerships, trusts, companies and not for profit entities
- FBT lodgements
- Taxable Payment Annual Reports
Software Advice And Training
- Assistance with choosing the right accounting software for your needs
- Training of staff and owners in software day to day functionality
- Quarterly oversight of data before BAS lodgement
- Chart of account set up of new software installations
- Monthly or quarterly data entry
- Bank reconciliation and GST review
- Payment summary reconciliation and preparation
Strategy Management & Corporate Governance
- Assistance with structuring your business entity
- Identification of strategy
- Aligning this strategy with customer/client needs
- Process identification required to delivery strategic aims
- Measurement and review of strategic goals
- Internal control identification and management